Peer Review Blog- Isaac /Amelie /Laudjah /Luciana


Hey bloggers

Hope everything is great! Today I am going over the Peer Reviews of my film today. we had four people review our project 3 from class and 1 from out of the class. I decided to include someone outside of class because maybe they can have another thought process as an audience and not someone that knows what is suppose to be included in the film.


Isaac is our friend inside the class. He is really great at the class and has a lot of love for film so we choice him. Once he saw the film he said he really liked it but only thing that threw him off was the voices from monster. He said that it didn't give horror. It took away horror from the film and made it a laughing scene. Another thing he said was that the titles weren't as big and that we missed one of the titles. Overall he gave it a 8/10. 


Amelie is Jayden's and Andrea's friend. i personally don't know her but I do know she was in Isaac's group. She also knew about our class so it gave us an advantage. She said it was perfect and great. The only thing was the monster's voice. But overall she gave it 8/10.


Laudjah is my friend I knew since last year. She also takes this class. She said that she liked it a lot. She compared it to hers and she said it was much better than hers. The monster was still a critique. In the end we laughed that part off but overall she said the editing was great and that titles were cool. She gave it 9/10.


She is a mutual friend of the whole group. She did give us a lot of critiques but since she knew we weren't professionals she didn't critique it as harsh. She did say we can work on some of the transitions and the monster's voice. She also said the ending it should have some voice over or something to end it. Which was one of my ideas. Overall she gave it a 7/10.

Bye bloggers see you on the final editing blog hopefully!
