Editing Blog
Hi bloggers,
Today I went to the library to edit the video and to see if we have enough time for the project. I first had to get a plan to see how me and the team would get there. In the end I found a way and sent in the group chat where and how to get there after school. I took the public bus and we went to Fort Lauderdale Library. I choose the place due to how it is free to use there devices, and the library had a teen place only for kids our age. The devices that the library has is the computers, a green screen and more. In the computer I used the program called Adobe. It’s a program in which specializes in editing and used by many other professionals. This program helped me a lot but before I needed learn about it first. I learned from my friend and the internet but once I got the hang of it we finished faster. Once I started, I combined the videos. I cut the seconds or the scene the video didn’t. I also added in some transitions to it as well. The last thing was to include the music and in the end I figured out that we didn't have enough time in the video so now I have to film again.
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